Monday, January 21, 2008

PS3 & HD tv experience Help?

May be...

  • Whats the best kind of tv to get if you own a ps3

    i know 1080p but whats a couple good name brands to look for...and is plasma or lcd better for it. And do i need to buy anything to go with my tv and ps3. I got a 42 inch lcd 1080i samsung a while back that i have my wii hooked up too. Which it really doesnt matter for the wii...but i did buy the component cable for the wii and it looks better.

    I'm looking for a tv around 40 or 42 inches but i want this best kind for viewing and ps3...before when i bought the 1080i i didnt know about 1080p and all that...I got some money and am looking now. I dont want to go money crazy something around 1000 give or take a couple hundred if i can get by with it. Thanks
  • Some of the best company's that make the best HDTV's are: Sharp, Sony, Samsung, Toshiba, and LG.

    I personally recommend a Samsung, Sharp, or Sony.

    Plasma HDTV's tend to be a little bit cheaper than LCD HDTV's when you get over a certain size (around 40-42").

    Older Plasma HDTV's could get burn-in, but the newer models don't get burn-in as easily. Also, Plasma HDTV's cost more money per month to run because they use more electricity than LCD HDTV's.

    I prefer LCD HDTV's, and here are a few that I recommend that were in your price range.

    Samsung LCD 40" 1080p:

    Toshiba LCD 42" 1080p:

    Sony LCD 40" 1080p:

    Also, when choosing between an HDTV, make sure that the one that you are purchasing has a very good Contrast ratio and Response time.
  • Plasma TVs are the best because the image doesn't

    blur. LCD is good though because it doesn't get image burn. JVC, Sony, Panasonic, and Phillips make great TVs. Be sure that you use a HDMI cable with the PS3 for the best image quality.
  • I bought a 42" LCD 1080p Vizio for @ $1200 and have been very pleased with it.
  • Honestly, the difference between 1080i and 1080p is not really noticeable unless it is on a huge screen. Use an HDMI cord when hooking up the PS3 ($10 from any online site, they are all the same quality). The component cable can be used instead of an HDMI cable, but if you have the money and the HDMI port on your TV, it may look better with HDMI. Any big name brand TV will do if you still want to buy a new one. (Phillips, LG, Sony)
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