Friday, February 29, 2008

How much noise does the PS3 40 Gig make?

May be...
  • My question is specific to the 40 gig unit beause it has a smaller GPU and should require less cooling. How is the noise relative to the PS2 and Xbox 360?
  • the 40gb is the quitest console ever made, it is even quieter than the 80gb version because it dosen't have backwards compatibality. if u want comparisons check utube. the xbox 360 would actually make u loose your hearing if you put your ears next to it for too long. if u dont belive me check youtube. the ps2 is quieter than the 360. the new 360's are worse because of the type of fan that they had to put in to stop the red ring of fire.
  • All PS3 consoles make very little noise in comparison to the Xbox 360. It is really no louder than a PS2. I am an Xbox fan but I have to say it is noisy.
  • No, it just has the smaller CPU. The GPU is the same size. But it makes less noise than the 60GB, which is definitely softer than the 360. I'm not quite sure about the PS2 because I've never had them both on at the same time and actually paid attention to the noise. Just suffice to say it's quiet.

    If it appears louder, try moving it around to let more air flow to the system. The fan has a low/medium/high speed, and will seem kind of loud on high, but it should only rarely go to high. Just leave 4" of room on the sides, and don't play it in an enclosed cabinet (so if you put it an entertainment center, don't close the door when the PS3 is on). If the PS3 overheats because you did something wrong, the light will flash and it will shut off.
  • less than the 360 and thats enough.

    they make less than my PC and my chiller too
  • The sound of the PS3 isint that loud, it is like eating ice and it depends how quite your place is
  • you should have no problem with noise unless theres a problem with it, but i havent had any problems with it in about almost 2 years. While all my friends are having problems with the xbox and the ring of death or something like that, so im happy i got the ps3 instead of the xbox its overall better.
  • they make very little noise my cousin has the 40 gig ps3 and when its turned on i cant even hear it.
  • Compared to a Xbox 360 the PS3 is downright silent.

    360's have a pretty loud fan.
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