Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Should I wait for another PS3 price drop or buy now?

<p>May be...</p><li>I live in the UK and was wondering whether I should buy a PS3 now or wait. I understand that Dualshock 3 is coming to the UK soon and there maybe a decent bundle I could buy with it included, and to be honest at the moment there still isn&#039;t that many good games out for it. Wait or buy? Cheers<li>i think you might want to buy now because worldwide this year the games for playstation 3 are going to be insane and it could turn-up like wii. hard to find so the best bet is to get a playstation 3 now. and if you want full backwards compatibilty get a 60 gb version to play your ps1 and ps2 games. and then you can probably upgrade your memory to 120 or more just like the new ones that are going to come out. this way you save money because i bet that the new ones are going to cost like the new 80 gb that came out in the UK. that is if you guys have it.<li>If you don&#039;t think there are any good games then you should wait... Theres no harm in waiting a bit longer.<br>
I think there might be a bit of a rush when KillZone2, GTA4 and Metal Gear comes out, might want to get ahead of the pack and get 1 now.<li>If you&#039;re looking for BC (Backwards compatibility for PS2 and PS1) BUY THE 80/60 GB while you still have the chance! If not, I would at least wait until the 2008 holiday season since there are rumors of a cheaper, 120 GB PS3 coming out without BC around the time of the 2008 Holiday season. Trust me, you&#039;re not missing out on much now since games like MGS and other major Sony franchises have yet to appear on the PS3.<li>I could quote a load of great games...but that wasn&#039;t your question. I would get one now, because:<br>
1-the price is great as it is<br>
2-there is no way of knowing if there will be a price drop and when<br>
3-there is no way of knowing how much the (possible) price drop will be<br>
4-i have no fourth point<li>You should get it now. The online play is really fun(especially on Call of duty 4).<li>i&#039;m happy with the 40gb. if i want to pay another 100 for (70% backwards capability) i would look to my ps2 that can play ALL the ps2 games......i would buy now and hold out till a place offers a game with it......i held out till Xmas time got a 40gb, A GAME of my choice(heavenly sword) and a bonus blue ray remote......all for the orginal price 399<li>BUY NOW <br>
with the great games coming out in like a month the prices are sure to skyrocket

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