Friday, March 14, 2008

40 GB PS3 Backwards Compatibility?

May be...
  • This is more of an awnser than a question!

    I have heard from gamestop!, That playstation had computer programmers, trying to make the 40 gb playstation 3 backwatds compatible! So I am sure someday soon the PS3 will be backwards compatible for PS2 games. When I don't know. So here is my question!!! Is there any truth to this?
  • No, it is not true.

    It is not possible to emulate the PS2 GPU.

    In some specific areas the PS2 GPU is actually faster than the PS3 GPU is. This is because the PS3 works differently and doesn't need the same speed in those areas as its more powerful GPU has better (and much faster) ways of achieving the results.

    Unfortunately the hypothetical GPU emulator doesn't know what effect was desired and thus can't use whatever functionality the PS3 GPU offers.

    Instead it has to run the same functionality but slower.

    The only way round this is to customize the emulator for every game. Sony just aren't willing to put in that kind of effort and have publicly stated they are focussed on the future with PS3 games rather than PS2 compatibility.


    If your cousin is working on the project, why did you need to post a question asking if there is any truth to a statement given by someone at Gamestop.
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  • I'm not sure, but I have a 60GB PS3, and it is backwards compatible. I'm just very careful before I download new firmware for it to make sure they aren't going to put something out there that will take away the backwards compatibility.
  • It's possible, but not very likely...

    Sony will soon release their 120GB Playstation 3, which should be backward-compatible.

    Sony would not make the 40GB backward-compatible because they want consumers to purchase the more expensive 120GB model.

    This is a very common business practice...
  • Sony had removed all necessary hardware from 40GB. Other PS3 versions have Emotion Engine (PS2's CPU - can be found in NTSC 60GB) and/or Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU - PAL 60GB, NTSC 60GB and 80GB versions). NTSC 60GB has both. That's why they play PS2 games. There are no PS2 chips in 40GB, that's why PS2 can't be played there. As for programming - Sony had stated that it shifts it's attention from PS2 to PS3, I doubt, that programmers work on backwards compatibility for older console. Pity...
  • So far Sony has made no announcements about the 40GB PS3 having an emulator made for it. Ever.

    Sony's original plans for backwards compatibility was to make an emulator. When they couldn't get it to work, they went with adding the PS2's processors to the PS3. This is how the 20GB and 60GB PS3 models can play almost all PS2 games. To save money, Sony later replaced one of the processors with an emulator, which is how the 80GB model works. The 40GB PS3 has neither processor, so even the half-emulator-solution the 80GB has won't work for the 40GB model.

    It is best to assume that the 40GB PS3 will never be able to play PS2 games. Even if Sony did release an emulator for this PS3, by the time it was released, it's pretty much going to be pointless. After all, if you want to play PS2 games, you either still have your PS2 or bought a PS3 that has backwards compatibility. Once a console turns two years old, there's usually enough newer games out there to keep folks interested without the added feature of being able to play last generations' games.

    In other words, it'll be too little too late.
  • i have a 6o gig and that's fine for backwards compatability. A 40 one, as you said doesn't come with the function to play ps2 games, but yes, you can get it 'chipped' so that it can play ps2 games, and it also lets you play copied ps3 and ps2 games on the ps3!
  • i doubt its true,ive been to some stores and asked people about the 40gb having backwards capability,no it doesnt because they took out the chip that allows it which was only on the 60gb and 20gb.the 80gb however has limited backwards capability(similar to the 360,where they add games using software)
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