Saturday, March 22, 2008

Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare or Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for PS3??

May be...
  • I'm getting a PS3 this month and I need to know which game to get. I wanted one of these. I'm new to first person shooters.

    This is the kind of shooter that I want:

    It has to have a good campaign mode. A long and very fun one. Mostly I like colorful games but I dont mind dark games.

    Which campaign is better??

    It has to have co-op. The multi-player needs to be good and addictive. I really dont know the difference between tactical or gun fight. (Mostly because I'm new to shooters.) I really dont care. It has to have customization and a good ranking system. Oh, and if it will make me play for months tell me.

    Which multi-player and co-op is better??

    I dont know if graphics are a big deal since I'm not using a LCD screen t.v. but I am using a big one.Which has good graphics??

    Thank you for answering my question, and at the end of the answer put which one you like better. Call of Duty 4 or Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.

    Also you must answer all the questions above to get 10 points.
  • 100% definatly CALL OF DUTY 4 because it is an excellent game (as i have) single player is challenging but slightly short, but multiplayer is highly addictive. multiplayer is the main part of call of duty 4, that is what the developers focused on.

    Bear n mind if you do not have access to a good broadband connection then Rainbow six will be good for you. Other than that COD4 Rulz. ( i have only played the first 3 missions on cod4 and spent all the rest of my time on cod4 on multiplayer getting my level up and unlock new guns and parts)
  • COD4 has better graphics.

    COD4 has MUCH better multi-player. Trust me, the multi-player is intense in COD4.

    RSV2 has better and longer campaign.

    Overall, go for COD4, it really is great.
  • Ive only got CALL OF DUTY 4.

    I'll say the campaign is short but Very fun. about 8 missions im not sure.

    COD4 online is the greatest online game ever. simply said.

    Thats all i know i Reccommed COD4. 10/10 GAME INCREDIBLE
  • I too also only have Call of duty 4 and the multiplayer is really really awesome! the campaign for cod4 is short though. i heard RSV2 has better campaign overall. but between the two i would say Call of duty 4 its really awesome. Call of duty 4 has better graphics than RSV2 and also there isn't any online co-op in call of duty 4. but there is in RSV2. In my opinion go for COD4!
  • get COD4 i have it rules
  • even thought r6v2 is newer i would get cod4 best story mode ever and online ever must have game for ps3
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