Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Did you like the ps3 boomerang controller?

May be...
  • i liked it i thought it looked cool they should start selling it. its good for people that get really mad and throw there contollers so if they got this one they can throw there controller and it will come back to them

    heres a pic of it
  • I woiuld have liked the change, but it doesnt seem entirely efficient for gaming, it could be prone to slipping out of your hands and the shape of the Dualchock/SIXAXIS is a sony trademark.
  • yup
  • my friend had a ps2 controller like that
  • Yes i liked it cause its bigger and it would have felt more comfortabl for me because i have huge hands.
  • Looks ugly and really not comfortable.
  • Heck no, I didn't like that ugly controller, it doesn't even look comfortable to hold in my opinion. To me the controller was too long. If the controller was the size as the Standard Sixaxis controller then it would have been alright.

    I'm glad that Sony didn't change the controller.... and just think, Nintendo has changed their controller after each console... I just couldn't take that.
  • NOOOOOO it was ugly, imagine holding that thing and using it as a controller. Im soooo glad they chose the normal ps3 controller that they did.
  • no its ugly. i dont think it would be right for gaming. it does not look comfortable at all. im glad they kept the current design
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