Sunday, March 23, 2008

Do I have to have an HDTV for a PS3?

May be...
  • No you don't have to have a HDTV on the PS3, but to get the most out of the PS3, a HDTV is recommended. The PS3 is an HD console and it was really meant to be played on a HDTV, but it's not necessary.
  • no but it looks way better on a hdtv.
  • No, but you should for the amazing graphics that your paying so much for.
  • Not at all, you just wont be able to get the full experience on a regular television. There really is an amazing difference between regular and HD gaming, not to mention the clarity of Blu Ray HD.
  • no my tv is really crappy when i play dvd's icant see the image but with the ps3 i can see perfectly
  • Not at all, i have one myself. I mean of you only have the HD cables you would have to have an HDTV, but i would highly recommend getting all HD because there is a lot better game quality, and not as much lag going on in the game. Also, everything's bigger in HD
  • No you don't need an HDTV but it does make the graphics look better if you have an HDTV that displays in full HD/1080P !
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