Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do you have the cod 4 patch?

May be...
  • Because i sure as hell dont.

    Come one!

    ITs been out 24 hours and i still dont have cool killcams or the ability to mute people whistling into their mics.
  • Obviously Yes. Me? It is not much of a difference but that fact that you can stop those 11 year old kids from yelling into the mics in paradise :).
  • yeah i got it. it loaded like in 30 secs
  • yes i do!!!!
  • i have no idea does anyone here live in New Jersey? i go on my ps3 on weekends
  • Haha yes I do. I guess the only difference is the Infinity Ward insignia, and the mute option. Not that big, but i guess it's better than nothing. At least those annoying 11 year old kids can stfu, because i can mute them. :P
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