Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Does having my PS3 next to my HD TV bad in any way? Does it effect my LCD?

May be...
  • Under 'Use and Handling" in the PS3 manual, it says " Use in a well-lit area and keep as far away as possible from the telivision screen"..
  • it probably means for the regular tv that gives off static electricity on the screen when its turned on... static electricity is bad for other electronics. im pretty sure that hdtv dont have static electricity(my hdtv doesnt give off static electricity)...
  • You have to be as far away as possible from the television screen, not the ps3.
  • That means you need to sit as far away as you can from the TV but still be comfortable.

    So, sit like you do when you're watching normal television.

  • The information in the user guide is for *your sweet self* and not for your console. You can put your PS3 next to the TV, in other words, but you shouldn't do a face-plant into your HDTV if you want to play a game.

    Even so, in positioning your system, give it a sphere of about 3"-6" in order to let it circulate air. It's a powerful computer, after all, with the same needs an any other computer
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