Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Does it make a difference if you dont got......?

May be...
  • Does it make a difference if you dont got an HD TV for a PS3 game? If you play a PS3 game on a regular television does it make any difference. Are the graphics better on HD. Or do the graphics change a little on the HD.
  • Actually, it makes a BIG difference on HD. On HD, you can see things you never saw before. Even minor details like a grain of sand, a spec of dust, and even sweat. On HD, the pictures are much more crisp, sleek, shiny, and pretty real over all than on SD.

    Ive noticed on COD4 for my PS3, when i had it on the SD composite cables, the graphics were kinda crappy, and it didnt have minor things like a picture on the main menu, a nicer, more detailed gun etc. But when I got my HDMI, and put it on 720p (my HDTV only supports 720p), it looked way more nicer. Plus, the PSN store was nicer also. Why?

    The PSN on SD only has 3 things to display at a time. On HD, you can see new downloads, a most downloaded bar, featured stuff and 10 items to display at a time.

    The graphics change tremendously on HD. Everything is much more nicer and sharp. =D

    My US PSN in HD:

    My JDM (Japanese) PSN in HD:
  • The graphics on an HDTV make the PS3 look a lot better...i got a regular TV and my friends got an HDTV and you can definitely tell the difference but i mean they dont look bad on a reg TV, just kind of makes me want a better TV
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