Monday, March 31, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV ?

May be...
  • What do you think about these three facts

    1.)Xbox 360 has exclusive Downloadable Content coming it's way

    2.)Xbox 360 will have achievements for gta4

    3.)Copies of gta4 for Xbox 360 will outsell two-to-one when compared to ps3
  • LONG LIVE XBOX 360. PS3 is a piece of crap and were taking all their Exclusives MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    XBL Gamertag: Jamaican Boy954

    I rather pay $50 bucks a year for Xbox Live than have crappy PS3 online play.
  • who cares about GTA IV for PS3 or Xbox 360 ps3 has better graphics thats that

    P.S. Y r u quitting oblivion for this game?
  • 1. PS3 is supposed to have a little more built in and should get dlc in the future.

    2. Wow, don't really care.

    3. More people have 360's than PS3's. So what.

    You know, your just really f#$king stupid.
  • By the time im through with it we will have expansions and achievments.

    IT doesnt matter to me if a lot of people mad bad choices for their console, its their loss.

    And the first answerer is an idiot probably due to copious amounts of inbreeding. The amount of lag is only dependant on your internet connection . They are exactly the same except PSn is free and XBL lets you link to your msn account.

    This really isnt a question its just you trying to start a fanboy argument.


    Why the hell are you thumbs downing all the answers that arent from some drooling caps lock using retard who cant form a proper sentence or use facts. We prefer PS and are giving our opinions so stop being a douche.
  • For a start buddy, the third one is not a fact :P

    but yer it is unfair that xbox players will get new content, but you never know, ps owners may get it later!

    Thats the way the cookie crumbles im afraid. I hate the constant war between M$ and Sony Fanboys. Its a petty war purely over jealousy of your neighbour's console!
  • I could care less about Exclusive downloadable content for the Xbox 360.

    And that first guy is the biggest jackass I've ever seen. He can keep sending in his Crapbox 360 for repairs for the rest of his life, and the PS3 does not have laggy Online gameplay. I wonder what that fool will have to say when MGS4 comes out an converts 360 fanboys like him to PS3 owners.

    Anyways, I don't think that the downloadable content for the 360 is important. The downloadable content will only be a big deal for current 360 owners, not future 360 owners.

    More people played the Grand Theft Auto games on the Playstation consoles, and I predict that more people will be picking up PS3's and GTA4. People always associate the Playstation 2 with the GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas. Even though the Xbox got those GTA game too, the GTA series sold WAY more on the PS2.
  • If I can't even play GTA IV because my console died, what good is exclusive content?
  • I think your a gay xbox fan boy who is just jealous because you wasted your money on a 360 instead of a PS3. So you put these questions in the PlayStation section so you can get in an argument with someone who was smart enough to buy a PS3. Xbox shouldn't have GTA anyways. It was always a PlayStation game.

    P.S. HOME is going to be way better than them dumb *** achievements.
  • 1.) Who gives a crap? it won't be long until your 360 will have the RROD (even if its an elite). but yeah i heard about it and yeah this shows how microsoft is desperate to get people to buy the 360 just for this game.

    2.) Yeah good for you man.. Who cares? I bet when the trophy system comes out for PS HOME they'll both have the same amount of achievements

    3.) Based on facts yeah that seems like its true. but we'll see opening night which console gets the most copies of GTA IV

    R u a 360 fanboy? because if you are.. Good luck getting that piece of crap 360 to work until GTA IV comes out
  • Another xbox kid. Have you noticed the constant whining from 360 owners. If it's so good why do you bother writing those messages instead of playing the "great" 360 instead?

    BTW, if you read a little bit about games on the net, you'll see that PS3 is getting some DLC content too. Besides, PS3 is stronger and more reliable, hands down. PS3 is already outselling 360.
  • 1) boooooo!

    2) boooooo! but so will the PS3 users when Home comes out

    3) good, now I don't have to preorder it anymore
  • well this is what I think:

    1) I know that, and stop comparing them to each other, atleast its coming out for PS3

    2)dont care

    3)how can you be so sure?? its not even out yet!!

    now, What do you think about these facts:

    1) both the 360 and PS3 are good, both have their pros and cons!

    2)you are lieyng, you dont have all those systems

    3) prove it

    4) you are a fanboy!

    what do you think about that?
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