Friday, March 21, 2008

Why is it that 60GB PS3's can only play PS2 games?

May be...
  • i have a ps3 but mine cant play ps2 games because its a 40gb but the 60 gb now cost the same as the 40gb but we dont get the same things on a ps3
  • The 60gb was discontinued a long time ago. Maybe your thinking of the 80gb version which also was discontinued about a month ina half ago. You are right about them being the same cost now, Sony cut backwards capabilities so that would also bring down the cost.
  • Honestly it is now cheaper to produce a ps3, so they can afford to include the parts that allow you to play PS2 games. Sony, is being very strange with this product though.
  • they do not even sell/make the 60gb anymore... if you see a price for 60gb same as 40gb then its most likely used...
  • The 40GB PS3 does not cost the same as the 60GB PS3 when it was discontinued. The 60GB PS3 was $499 when it was discontinued and the 40GB PS3 costs $399.

    Sony took out backwards compatibility with the 40GB PS3 so that they could produce it much cheaper. If you wanted to play both PS1 and PS2 games, you should have got the 80G, 20GB, or 60GB it's that simple.
  • Because sony enjoy ripping eu customers off at every chance they get so they're trying to encourage you to buy the more expensive model.
  • The reason for this is, to put it quite frankly, SONY likes making money. Also, they don't like spending money. The first release of PS3's had the PS2 CPU and GPU built in, on top of the PS3's own hardware, which allowed for 100% backwards compatibility. This made the cost of producing a PS3 quite high. In order to cut costs, SONY first removed the PS3's emotion engine(the PS2's CPU) but left in the GPU so that the PS3 could still have some backwards compatibility. However, in anticipation of a price drop later this year, or early next year, SONY decided to cut costs even further by removing the PS2 GPU from all models of PS3- and in the process, eliminating all backwards compatibility.
  • because the PS3 sucks! get an Xbox360 so that you can enjoy full entertainment today! Not in 2010!
  • The 60GB version was discontinued some time ago, and if you can find one new for the same price as the 40GB, buy it, new 60GB PS3's go for $700 on ebay.

    To produce a cheaper unit Sony removed 2 USB ports, the flash readers, SACD compatibility and PS2 hardware entirely. They downsized the HDD to 40GB.

    This enabled them to offer a cheaper PS3 version that would still play every PS3 game, blu-ray, retained Wi-Fi and had the same graphical and sound outputs.

    Sony offered you a choice, pay extra and get the PS2 Compatibility, or pay less and don't.
  • The 20 and 80 gb PS3 can also play PS2 games. The 60 gb costs as much as the 80 gb, not the 40 gb. The 40 gb is 100 bucks cheaper than the 60 gb.

    The reason that Sony introduced the 40 gb is two reasons, but it's mainly 1. Sony likes to put a positive spin on things. Anyway, the reason Sony said it introduced the 40 gb is because there's going to be a lot of PS3 games, so gamers aren't going to have time to play PS2 games. The real reason is that not a lot of people are willing to spend 500 bucks on a system that doesn't have a whole lot of games, and Blu-ray and HD-DVD was still fighting it out.

    By not including either the emotion engine or the PS2's GPU, Sony saved over 100 bucks, so it can pass the savings to the gamers.
  • the 60gb is used
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