Friday, April 18, 2008

The Console War is over, the winner is.....?

May be...
  • Xbox 360....honestly the ps3 never had a snowballs chance in hell...sry ps3 fanboys
  • i knew the 360 would be better from the start
  • Wow dude you're a biased microsoft fanboy who really needs to get a life. i mean for real! Report It
  • Troll. Nice one little boy, I'll carry on playing the beta of MGS online when the servers go live on Monday and you can pay for a service which is always down. That's if you console actually works.
  • playstation home is coming out which is just as good as if not better than xbox live, i think this is absolutely ludacris you are declaring the console war over, i believe that Microsoft's xbox 360 is only in this discussion because they pay millions to get exclusive content (i.e. GTA IV) just so you xbox fanboys can sit there and gloat about it.....but if you want to declare this war over, that is fine, cuz while your xbox is gone for weeks and weeks recovering from the "victory" by getting a good old case of the red ring of death..I will be loving my Sony Playstation 3, Thank You, Have A Nice Day
  • Yeah this troll would have worked a lot better in 5 years, not at the start of the console war. Seriously I love my 360, stop being a moron and giving it a bad name. Also why are fanboys the first ones to make fun of fanboys?
  • Who are you to pick the winner..?
  • PS3's are much better.
  • As with most argument starting fanboys you have no REAL evidence to back this up and dont take into account any pros of PS3

    I also notice you are a repeat offender seeing as this isnt the first fanboy "question"you have posted that isnt really a question.

    I would debate you but that would make me as low as you and you are going to give the best answer to the person who agrred with you anyway so theres no point of me investing effort.

    I will, however, star so someone else can do that for me.


    Just because it sells more doesnt mean it better.

    PS2 outsells 360

    Do you think it is better?
  • What the HELL are you talking about?! The console war is NOT over. The console war is just heating up and if I remember correctly, it's the Wii that has the lead in sales, but like most people, I don't really consider the Wii a competitor in the 7th gen console race.

    The Xbox 360's total console sales worldwide aren't really that accurate because it doesn't count for how many Xbox owners that bought multiple Xbox 360's because their 360's Red Ringed.

    I can't stand 360 fanboys like you that always flare up this Console War stuff because it gets so old. Just shut up and play your games on your favorite console and keep sending in your 360 for repairs.

    You are a FOOL if you think that Console War is over. Metal Gear Solid 4 hasn't even come out yet. Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 haven't blown away the world yet, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy versus XIII haven't blown away Fable 2 yet and God of War 3 hasn't blown away Ninja Gaiden 2 yet. Give me a break, you have no idea what you're talking about and the PS3's upcoming exclusives are going to CRUSH the Xbox 360.

    The PS3 has been outselling the 360 in the U.S. for the past couple of months and it's been selling better worldwide, you can say what you want but you can't give any facts can you?
  • I still think it's too early to declare a winner.

    Unlike the previous 2 generations, we don't have a single standout in both hardware and software sales.

    Globally speaking, the Wii is way in front in terms of hardware sales, but not so much in software sales. Numbers show that most people only bought Wii Sports (which is included), maybe Wii Play to get a 2nd controller, and not much else.

    The 360, meanwhile, is way ahead in software sales but the PS3 is beginning to catch up - especially in Europe. We'll have to see what will happen as big cross platform titles like GTA4 and exclusive titles like MGS4 hit the shelves.

    Even if we can declare a true "winner" later on in this generation, I think it's going to be a much closer race than what we've seen in the previous 2 generations where 1 console clearly dominated, leaving the other consoles to fight for a distant 2nd place.

    Either way, the true winner from this intense competition is the consumer who benefits from low prices and an increasingly compelling library of games.
  • Man dude, after everything comes out for the PS3 you will be pissed. Lets see which consoles the best at the end of the year. Stop making dumb fanboy fights. You can choose your system, but you don't have to be a total dick about it.
  • Dude the wii is frying them both right now. I can tell by you're answers and you trolling the PS3 section you are a Xbox Fanboy. Get a Life.
  • okkkk,,,, who the fu*k r u to say the console war is over?? ill tell u who u r u aint nothin but a lil punk pu*sy xbox fanboy who has nothing better to do but come on yahoo answers and post some dumb sh*t like that. NEWSFLASH!! the war isnt over!! wait no it is over and do u wana know who the winner is?? ITS THE PLAYSTATION 3!!

  • Dude where have you been the last couple of months the ps3 just outsold the xbox 360 for like the last 3 months. Didn't you even see what bluray did to hd-dvd. Dude I think you need to get out of 2007 and into 2008
  • what r u talking about.The console war isnt over and who r u to choose the winner.The PS3 is much better than the Xbox 360.
  • How cute. An Xbox troll whose 360 is busted so he goes on Yahoo Answers claiming to own all 3 systems saying that 360 is the best.

    Poor, poor 360 troll.

    There are 125 million PS2's in the world little troll. When thos epeople go next gen guess what they will buy? Thats right little troll, a PS3.

    PS3 has also been globally outselling 360 since late '07. 360 is only popular in the States.

    Xbox (Xbox+Xbox 360) = 50 million consoles sold to date.

    Nintendo (NES+SNES+N64+Game Cube+Wii) = 180 million consoles sold to date.

    Playstation (PSone + PS2 + PS3) = 240 million consoles sold to date.

    Xbox isn't even a blip on the map as far as console success. Right now they are basically the Sega Dreamcast that Playstation will destroy.

    PS2 destroyed Dreamcast

    PS3 will destroy 360.

    Do your homework bro, you sound like a fool.
  • You know, it's funny looking at how all these Xbox fanbois pretend that the Wii don't exist.
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