Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Do you belive sony prices are too high or? (PS3)?

May be...
  • That its the right price since it will be the futures new main console to make games?
  • Mmmm problaly...but that is a good idea about it being the futures technology, sony problaly planned ahead for this...or...they made so little for high demand...I mean they have somwhere around 11.9 sales soooo....
  • Yeahh i believe the prices are reasonable.

    PS3 is a good console considering i have one myself :]
  • too high we all know it doesn't cost that much to make it but they only produce a low number to increase the demand so we will pay outrageous prices.
  • no is value for money..
  • You get what you pay for!

    I got every appliance by Sony and I'm loving them.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • too high
  • way too high i wanted to get one until i realized that they are like 500 dollars which is making me think of just getting an Xbox 360.
  • Oh yea. Thats funny because I went Bestbuy today & I saw a 40''Sony HDTV/LCD with 1080P & it cost $2,600. The other one was a 40''Philips HDTV/LCD with 1080P that cost $1,800. There were no difference between the two. Oh yes, the new PS3 with 80GB it cost $500 & plus tax.
  • In my honest opinion, a video game console should never approach the $400 mark ! With the PS3 launch prices of $499 for 20GB and $599 for the 60GB, Sony alienated potential buyers who just weren't ready or willing to fork over that kind of money ! I actually seen people buying the 60GB, an extra controller a couple of games then walk next door to the circuit city and buy a $1,500 hdtv set just to paly their PS3 games in high definition ! That's absurd !

    CAN BE AROUND $40.00
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