Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Do you need a HD tv to use a ps3 or xbox360 or can I just use my current one?

May be...
  • tv runs at 60 hts
  • You can use any TV that has the "red, yellow, and white" ports.
  • No you can use any tv but u will not get the best effect
  • u can use any SDTV for both xbox 360 and ps3
  • i think you can just use a normal one, but there is the option of running it through a HD t.v. I have a 360 and on the scart plug there is a button where you can switch between HD and Normal, I have a HD t.v and the difference in graphics is noticeable, most of my mates have a normal t.v though and there's works fine.
  • any TV work fine although i took my PS3 to my friends house once and they have HD and it is allot better but i always use a regular TV at my house and the pitcher and graphics are still great
  • You can use your current one, but you're really missing out on what the PS3 is made for and that's high def. You might as well keep PS2 until you can at least get a 720p say 32" HDTV.
  • Yh you can use your current TV, you do know that you could also get a special cable that allows you to hook up ur ps3/360 to a LCD monitor and you could play in HD
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