Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How can i make enough money for a ps3 i want it so badly?

May be...
  • please answer
  • Heres some things you can do

    1. get a job

    2. do odd jobs if you have to

    3. garage sale

    4. sell on ebay

    5. Bake sale

    6. do household services

    7. Baby sit

    8. car wash

    9. gardening service
  • It might be a little too late in the season, but try to get a job caddying at a local golf course. I've wanted one for almost 2 years now, and in just 3 weeks of working weekends, i've already made $450. (16 hours total) Making about 50-100 a day. It's also a very rewarding job, helping you meet rich old guys (if is a nice private club) that can help you get places, not to mention a tan, and free workout.
  • Try making an add to post at the local corner store or local stores stating that you're offering lawn mow-ing or babysitting for ___$$.. concidering its summer you can also offer weed wacking and gardening, weed pulling all that stuff.
  • sell your valuables or get a job
  • Uh, work..?
  • dont get a wii
  • get on ur knees close ur eyes and say AAAAAAHHHHHH
  • ummm u must try the BOD..i mean Bank Of Dad..lol!!! or else beg,borrow or steal!
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