Thursday, April 17, 2008

Only Playstation 3 fans/owners answer this?

May be...
  • One simple question.

    When is PS Home released?

    I have spent in total around 20-25 hours looking on the internet and have mostly found the beta trial will be available in the ps store on the 18th April (tomorrow)

    But I also heard the full project will be launching May 20th.

    It has been delayed so many times.

    Do you think they are been serious this time.. or is it another hype to get people excited ..then let them down.

    Sony isn't doing a great favour right now.
  • Unfortunately that April 18th date probably isn't real, and I doubt the May 20th date is legit either. It wold be awesome if it were, but Sony not laid down a firm date. They just keep saying "soon," or "by summer."

    At this point I wish they would just put a realistic date on the table. Teasing us about it is just causing frustration. There are signs that Home is coming out soon, like the Warhawk 1.3 patch which enables Home integration, and the fact that some people have downloaded Home 1.0 (but not been able to play it). I just keep getting my hopes up, only to have them crumble with disappointment. Siiiiiiiiiigh.

    I'm starting to wonder if Sony is just waiting for E3 (July) to release it. It would be a pretty huge announcement so hopefully they'll have it done by then at the very latest.
  • It is planned for Q2 2008. As of two days ago, that is all I know. If anything new has been said since then, you may be correct, though I doubt it.

    And just so you know, this question is asked about 4 or 5 times a day. Just look up past questions, save yourself the 5 points.
  • On Wiki it says Spring 2008 so soon probably... at most next couple of months
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