Saturday, April 19, 2008

Should I sell my ps3?

May be...
  • I have about 15 blu ray movies and 4 games If I sell it I would get a blu ray player of course....I have a xbox 360 and all the games come out for both and xbox has better online and achievments so it makes replay value high ill play a game through just for achievements and on ps3 its one and done...
  • no dont, there are a lot of great games like final fnatasy 13, metal gear solid 4, spore, god of war 3 and Home

    the ps3 will get better i advise you stick with it and achievements are coming

    besides at least online is free on ps3

    well good luck making a decision anyway
  • I've played the PS3, and while the graphics are better on some games, I still prefer the Wii. Much more interactive and more fun with other people come over.
  • PS3 will get "HOME" - it will have achievements and a lobby and an option for you to create your own room - move around places and stuff.

    Final Fantasy 13 and Metal Gear Solid 4 are PS3 Exclusives.
  • Wow. So MGS4 doesn't interest you. Nor killzone2 or Socom Confrontation. To be such a heavy gamer and own 2 systems I would assume those games would be interesting.

    To own the PS3 blueray player with blueray movies I assume you have an hdtv. Why would you sell your ps3 blueray player just to be forced to buy a stand alone blueray player somewhere down the road. Your Logic seems inconsistent.

    Acheivements- COD4 Have you gotton your 10th prestige, I play alot and am only on my fourth prestige online (ps3)
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
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