Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Top 3 PS3 Games?

May be...
  • Top 3 PS3 games are:

    1: Call of Duty 4 (best game for online for ps3)

    2: MLB 08 The Show (best baseball game for ps3)

    3: Assassins Creed (best adventure game for ps3)

    Some other good games are

    Army of One

    GTA 4 (coming next week!!!)

    and Metal Gear Solid 4 (not out yet)
  • cod 4 best game

    uncharted drakes fortune

    rock band
  • Call of Duty 4

    Ratchet and Clank


    I think you can come to the conclusion that CoD4 is the best game for the PS3. These are my favourites. Avoid games like Assassins Creed and Army of Two. The games look really good but AC is too repetitive and Army of Two is just too boring
  • well to my opinion


    2.assasins creed

    3.burnout paradise
  • well if you are looking for games strictly by sales then

    1. motorstorm

    2. call of duty 4

    3 assassin's creed
  • resistance fall of man

    call of duty 4

    rock band

    i think motorstorm is kinda boring and uncharted was also not that fun =/
  • 1.Ratchet & clank FTOD

    2. Heavenly Sword

    3.Uncharted/ Resistance
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