Wednesday, May 28, 2008

80 gb ps3 or 40 gb ps3? and why?

May be...
  • 40gb cheaper, no backwards comp., no memory card slots

    80 gb expensive, everything
  • Don't get 80gb, 40 gb ps3 is much better, it doesn't over heat as much and you don't need that much memory unless your storing thousands of games and tens of thousands songs which i doubt, 80gb is also more noisier and the backward compatability isn't very good, I f your going to play PS2 games, why not just play it on your PS2, the graphics don't get better. I have a 40gb PS3 and I 've play on my cousins 80gb PS3 and there is hardly a difference. The 40gb comes with everything needed.
  • The main advantages are those you've listed yourself, the fact that the 40GB is cheaper, and the 80GB is more comprehensive.

    It all depends what you want - if you want to stick music and videos and shedloads of savegames on there, and need memory cards, or the ability to play PS2 games, which is what I assume backwards compatibility means, then go with the 80GB model.

    Or, if you're on a tighter budget, and don't necessarily need all that, then go with the 40GB model. It's all relative.
  • While the 80GB is a bit more expensive, it is the best version available in terms of BC and features. I have a huge library of PS2 games so for me the 40GB wasn't even an option as I still play some of my PS2 games so BC was at the top of the list for features I was looking for. If BC and not having all the features of the PS3 is of no concern to you and money is an issue then the 40GB is the way to go.

    I understand most people either can't afford or just aren't willing to part with $500 bucks for a gaming system and that's totally understandable !
  • almost everything. 80gb doesn't have FULL backwards compatibility but mostly it does. but qquite right.

    i got a 40gb and im pretty satisfied. im gonna get a bigger hardrive eventually but for now i've got enough usb ports, and everything else a ps3 really needs. sometimes i wouldn't mind back comp for my sisters but thats just one small prob which i dont care too much about
  • 80GB is just for backward compatabillity and flash readers, but if you want cheap and powerful then the 40GB is for u, the 40GB wins in the long run because it uses low power consumption, its lasts longer than all the other ps3s and its the quietest out of all of them
  • It depends on what you want to do, as if you want to play PS2 games then you would have to buy the 80gb but if you just want to play PS3 games then buy the 40gb.

    You don't really need the memory card slots as you can just use a USB instead.
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