Thursday, May 29, 2008

Any sites to download full PS3 games??

May be...
  • Is there any sites apart from the playstation store you can download full games from?

    I've seen a lot of sites like


    But they all want "one off payments" which makes it seem like a scam and they probably wont work anyway.

    Any help?
  • Whilst it is possible to copy games off a blu-ray, it is not possible to play the copies so they are a scam.

    The blu-ray game disk has an analog "watermark" since a burned disk will not have one a burned disk would require a special boot program (iso-booter). To create an iso-booter a custom firmware is required. The PS3 firmware is encrypted and the key is part of the Cell hardware so no-one has been able to crack it (nor are they likely to).
  • You can't play pirated PS3 games, so there is no point in downloading the files.

    Even if there ever is a way, it would require you to give up on online gaming and firmware updates altogether. Online gaming is a huge portion of the PS3 now, so Sony will be able to ban people that pirate games pretty easily. It's not worth it.

    If you don't want to pay full price for games you can just wait a few months after they come out. You can get older games for less.
  • hm.. PS3 game.. 50GB.. most on a PS3 is 80GB..

    if not.. if you plan on burning it.. BluRay burner 800 bucks.. BD media.. is about 10 a disk... and the time it takes to actually download a 50GB file.. whoa..
  • depends

    Paying for them: playstation store

    Not paying for them: probly hidden sites and they are illegal, or from torrents
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