Monday, May 26, 2008

Don't you hate this about game systems?

May be...
  • on every console there's a game you want. such as wii there is zelda and ssbb, xbox with halo and gears, and ps3 with heavenly sword and resistance and GoW 3 and KH 3 when they come out. i went with nintendo and bought a wii but i'm eventually getting a ps3
  • Yep....good for you, that's a good comination to have.
  • yeah i know. but thats what keeps a competition going and prices lower(lower then what they could be atleast) but the good thing is i have all three(but i never play PS3 cause there arnt any good games out yet)
  • welsome to America, home of money (spending)
  • well, some of the games are dissapointments so when you want them u may go to a more reliable game and not the (big THING)
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