Monday, May 26, 2008

I just bought a Playstation 3. Did I make a big mistake? How is the Playstation doing as far as sales and?

May be...
  • popularity go?
  • congratulations...ps3 is awesome...its best thing u u need hd tv if u dont already.

    sales are slow for ps3 but gta changed that and so will metal gear solid 4......and will little big planet,,,,and home......i could go on about why its good....oh it also plays blu-rays which are awesome.

    popularity wise in japan they just broke 1 million psn accounts and europe aint far behind.....ps3 is only true nextgen console at the moment....the rest just dont cut it
  • Sales and popularity should have nothing to do with you enjoying the PS3. Games and features should be the reason you got it, and the PS3 is the console to get for those reasons. There are a number of awesome exclusives coming, and features are always being added. The bluray player alone makes the PS3 worth purchasing.

    The PS2 was the most popular console of all time, so I wouldn't doubt Sony's ability to make their console a top seller. Honestly the Wii will probably be the "winner" in sales this generation, but the Playstations popularity world wide will ensure it eventually takes the 2nd slot (maybe even he first in a few years). As I said, though, sales have nothing to do with you enjoying your gaming console.
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 is comming out very soon so you made a good choice. As far as popularity is concerned, it depends. The sales arent as good as the Wii or 360 but it all depends on what features you are looking for. Having a Blu-Ray player built in is a HUGE plus, free online as opposed to 360's XBL.

    The only thing though is their library of games isnt as good as the 360's if you ask me. Not many great PS3 only games out there as of right now, but dont worry there comming.
  • ps3 is in last place as of now, with wii in first and 360 in 2nd.

    besides for wat some ppl think of the ps3 is that its an expensive console wich has no games, its the most reliable, most advanced console with great features. by the end of this year it will be in at least 2nd place with great exclusive games. if the wii remains in first, its because its cheap, and fun... ps3s the best tho
  • You made a good choice. Most people say it is a bad system, but they don't want to spend the money to get the system. This year there are many big names coming out on the playstation 3 like littlebigplanet. In that game you can make your own lvls and play them with friends and it is really cool. Then there is the unknown game Afrika. With all these games coming out hopefully this and home that comes out this summer, this could be the best system ever. Home will be a huge virtual world with public and private areas. You could go to a bowling ally and then invite some friends to watch a movie at your virtual home. If you want to know more about the games comming out to to and if you want to know more about home go to
  • no you did not just make a big mistake in fact thats the best decision you've made in your whole life. right now the Playstation 3 is in 2nd place in sales. the wii is 1st and the xbox 360 is last. the Playstation 3 isnt the most popular because of the wii but its really really close
  • The PlayStation 3 has been in the lower ratings due to the lack of games. But however, PlayStation 3 has doubled Xbox 360 sales in the past months and will be reaching for No. 1.

    Don't forget about Home that will be released!

    ~Anyone can add Kcdeath94 on PSN~
  • you didnt make a big mistake, the ps3 is the highest rated gaming console ever built. The new games are doing great and it is #2 selling console, next to the wii (wii just took a big hit from some operating hacker)
  • NO you made a great choice!!! and if what the first guy says is true then PS3 will go to top, because i saw something about Wii hardrive MISTAKE i think... either way wii has a mistake now

    can you help me with my question?;...
  • It's called an investment. You may have just lost the payment of a car, but in return, you've gotten that much closer to making your life perfect. Congrats.

    P.S. if you still have doubts, wait until god of war 3 comes out. They will all disappear
  • Good decision. Sony is coming out with more and more mainstream games and it is a superior system. I recommend a 32"--at least--LCD 720p--at least--tv w/HDMI-HDMI. Good luck and have fun.
  • xbox 360 is the best.... can you get halo 3 on ps3?NO!in my is better on the 360 than the ps3 and the made a pretty bad desicion
  • XBOX 360 is yesterday

    Nintendo Wii is now

    Sony PS3 is tomorrow


    Gran Turismo 5

    MGS 4

    Final Fantasy series
  • The PS3 is the best console by far.

    Xbox means you have to get X-number of boxes to get the whole blue ray drive..wireless...
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