Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is a 20 inch panasonic regular TV good to use with a PS3?

May be...
  • my panasonic TV is I think a 2001-2003 model. not too sure but just wanted to find out that if I get a PS3, will it still have good graphics? Also, will it get cut off at the edges and will the text be too hard to read?
  • hey man, it doesn't matter what kind of tv you got. the ps3 will play crisp no matter what. (you may have to adjust your tv settings though, i.e brightness level and saturation) but other than that you're fine. man.
  • I use a 20" TV at times for my PS3 (when I can't use my main TV) and other than the normal differences between HD and and standard, there are no issues. As a previous answerer said, some games are made to run better on HD (with smaller font size etc,) but this really causes no problems other than a little eye strain...
  • The PS3 will rescale the screen to fit your TV.

    I've heard that some games use a smaller font that's better suited for HD, and as a result may be a little harder to read on a non-HD TV, but I haven't tried this.

    The PS3 will look fine on your TV. It will have good graphics, but they won't look as good were you using a HDTV. But hey, that's better than no PS3 at all, right?
  • naw dude the ps3 has good resolution and the 20" screen tv doesnt give you the performance that the ps3 is giving on a wide screen tv or you might wanna try a plasma tv..........
  • wouldn't you want an HD tv? it looks sooo good with a ps3 or xbox360
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