Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is Metal Gear Solid 4 coming out for the Xbox 360?

May be...
  • is it a ps3 exclusive or is it coming out on both systems (360)? if it did come for the xbox 360, wouldn't the game have to be formatted into 10 discs? the game itself is more than 50GB for a blu-ray disc.

    i've heard rumors that they're making a remake of mgs1 and mgs2 into the mgs4 game, so you will play through mgs1 story line then straight into mgs2 story line then straight up to mgs4. i think they done that for people to catch up with the story line. i don't know if there's going to be a remake for mgs3, because it was 20 years before mgs1.

    anyway, is it a confirmed ps3 exclusive?
  • Thanks for the answer on my question.

    Metal Gear has always been a Playstation franchise with the exception of Metal Gear Solid 2 which was released on the original Xbox.

    MGS4 has been repeatedly confirmed as a PS3 exclusive mainly because the 360 hardware could not handle it and the game itself has been just squeezed onto a 50 gig dual layer Blu Ray disk.

    Hideo Kojima, the brains behind MGS, called the 360 a DVD player.
  • Simon, sucky graphics and really old sucky car sound tracks on Grand Theft Auto 4 are the result of RockStar being limited to only 9 gigs on the Xbox 360. The files that are loaded onto the ps3 harddrive are no different then the amount loaded for Spiderman 3 which is on all the systems including the playstation 2 so that argument makes no sense. Metal Gear Solid 4 will not be on the XBox 360. It was never planned for the 360. Haze was Slated for the PC and 360 though before it was canceled on everything but the playstation 3.
  • No the game itself is 50gigs and unless it was seriously compressed it wouldn't fit on the 8 gig dvds the xbox uses. But it would be cool if they just release an xbox live edition so the only thing on the disc would be files necessary for online play.
  • I seriously doubt it's more than 50gb. Half the PS3 games out there now would fit on a DVD.
  • I seriously doubt that it will come out on the 360.
  • get ready for ps3 fanboy answers
  • i am so sick of everyone saying that the game will only fit on a bluray. what a load of rubbish. there was rumours that GTA4 for 360 was going to be 4 discs but low and behold only one disk. plus if bluray is so great why do they insist you download most of the game onto the PS3 first before you can even play it. Because the techonolgy of bluray is so slow. Sony have probably bought the rights to MGS4 and thats it. DVD's have produced on the xbox the best games around and if GTA4 can fit on one disk and we all no how big GTA is then there is no issue of capacity space on a dvd.
  • Hi Karren,

    Firstly, someone here says Kojima called the 360 a DVD player. This is true, but it was not meant as an insult, it was an analogy (and I believe the poster knows that). You can read it here in this interview with Hideo Kojima;

    Someone here also said it is PS3 exclusive because the 360 couldn't handle it. That is completely untrue, since both consoles are of similar power (with perhaps a slight edge to the PS3 overall).

    Right now, it is a PS3 exclusive, and it's likely to remain so because of the amount of space the game requires (not because of the power it needs). Although this space requirement is probably related to large amounts of HD audio and cinematic cutscenes needed for the game rather than due to the game itself (as someone said already, Heavenly Sword had 10GB for audio alone, and it was a rather short game!).

    Hence use SD audio, trim down the cutscenes, use multiple disks and it could be ported to the 360 (but I doubt that would happen).

    We'll see what happens in the future, but don't be surprised if MGS comes to the 360 in some form, just not necessarily MGS4. :)
  • Yes it's still currently a PS3 exclusive.

    Here's a quote from a story that was originally posted on Joystik...

    " had the opportunity to speak with Konami’s PR about this latest rumor, and unsurprisingly, Konami is baffled by claims that Metal Gear Solid 4 is going multiplatform. In a rush to get the word out, it seems that those who broke the story talked to everyone except Konami, who made this statement "For the record, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a PlayStation 3 exclusive and there are no plans to develop an Xbox 360 version of the game." Nuff said.."

    I don't think the 50 GB limit would really be an issue. Even if it were made, the DVD limit is 9GB for a dual layer disc. That would mean 50GB would take only 5-6 discs if it used the same compression, not 10. Without knowing why the game needs 50GBs it's hard to say how easy it would be to slim down. Resistance and Heavenly Sword were both pretty large games that supposedly benefited from the Blu-Ray... at least that's what Sony's PR would like you to believe. In reality both of those games would've easily fit onto DVD but the developers decided to leave a lot of the visuals and audio in an uncompressed form. If I recall correctly Heavenly Sword had 10 Gigs in audio alone. It's not that the game needed 10 gigs of audio, it's that they left it uncompressed. Think of a CD using 700MB of space but an MP3 version can squeeze that down to 50MB at around the same quality. It probably wouldn't be too tricky to slim the game's size down for a 360 release. I haven't played the game yet but there have been very few games that actually needed the space of Blu-Ray. Games simply aren't that big at this stage in the game. We're getting close to outgrowing DVD, but for now these massive PS3 sizes are due to developers leaving files in an uncompressed state.
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