Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is there anyway to make the PS 3 40Gb play PS 2 games?

May be...
  • We got a PS3, the 40Gb, not realizing it didn't have the functions to play the PS2 games. Is there any way of setting it up to play them? Anything new anyone has come up with to get it to play them?
  • Yes, there is a way but it may be hard, you have to find a shop and get them to install the PS2 chip and the softwhrer and it should be 99% compatible,
  • Nope. If possible try to return/exchange it for the 80GB model that comes bundled with Metal Gear Solid 4 in June. The 80GB will be able to play many PS2 games.

    It's entirely possible for Sony to update the 40GB PS3 firmware to add software emulation which enables it to play PS2 games, but there have been no announcements to do so by Sony, so you'll just have to cross your fingers and probably wait a very long time for this to happen.
  • It is just not possible to generically emulate the PS2 GPU (GS) in software, because the GS is actually faster in certain functions than the RSX. This doesn't affect the PS3, as there are quicker alternatives, but unless the emulator knows the intent of the function, it might not know to use the faster RSX function.

    Since all PS2 hardware works the same, a developer of a PS2 title wouldn't account for a slowdown in graphics processing, and it could result in anything from corrupt graphics to a game crash. The emulator would have to be customized for almost every single title.
  • Not at all. Only the 80GB, 60GB, and 20GB PlayStation 3's can play PlayStation 2 games. All consoles can play PlayStation 1 games, though.
  • Sorry but NO. The 40gb does not have the software emulaters to play PS2 games.
  • no you can not. sorry.
  • The 40 Gig is the only PS3 that does not let you play PS2 games. The other models do though
  • No!
  • Yes.............take it back and trade it in for a 20, 60, or 80 gig.

    PSN: Battered_Puppet
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