Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hey im 13 and im trying to talk my mom into buying me xbox360 she said if i won one i could keep it but i cant

May be...
  • buy one because she wont let me... and we just got a ps3 ... whicth i dident want... of course i want to play halo 3! and i have a ps2 that planning to sell ... does anyone have any tips for me ... to talk my mom into buying me one????
  • I dont know if this helps but when i was younger I had a shoe fetish. I always had to have the latest pair of Jordan's that came out. I had a closet full of shoes (other than Jordan's) that were barely worn but I had to have the latest jordans on the day they came out (I would wait inline at the store before it opened) before I went to school. Finally my mother came to her senses and even though she could afford to buy me the shoes she told me to get a job and I could get shoes whenever I wanted them at my expense. My advise, get a paper route, babysit, do extra chores, cut grass, etc and show your mom that you are willing to help out and appreciate how hard she works to get you the things that she wants and maybe she will buy it for you anyway because you showed effort. Sell old movies and games to buybacks, take old clothes and shoes to once upon a child. Sell your playstations (well one of them). I'm a playstation fan myself. Try to come up with some of the money on your own. I hope this helps.
  • Do not beg for stuff, cause people will hate you (not so much for mothers). But you should try and earn money. Or like others said, trade the ps3 for xbox 360. Do not even try talking her into buying one. It never works, my brother has done the same thing with tons of things (wii, rockband, ps2, xbox, psp.) Don't ever try to talk her into it. You need to earn things.
  • ask her if you can trade in the ps3 for the 360 the ps3 is waaay more than the 360 so even if u trade it in it should cover the 360...well try it ask her mayb i'll mom lets me trade so idk mayb she will let you try it....
  • sell your ps2, earn money, and ask her if she'd double it, and tell her all the things that are good about it, nevermind, SELL THE PS3! you'd have enough to buy every single halo for it!(but it's a dumb idea to not want a ps3)
  • I must say that you're spoiled.

    Have her get it for you for Christmas or something.

    Seriously, you have a PS freaking 3.

    Some people are happy that they still have their Super Nintendo.
  • trade the ps3 for a xbox360 instead! dam it i want a ps3 i have an xbox 360 but the new games for ps3 is just way to good to pass on!
  • Tell her that you will maintain a high grade-point average.

    If your grades slip, then she takes away the system. Fair enough?
  • LOSER... keep your ps3 obviously 3248763846283642837648236842364 times better
  • dude u dont need halo3 just get bad company for ps3 its fun suck it up u no people in africa would act like a ps3 is god if they saw one
  • tell ur mom ur gonna play 2-3hrs a day, once wen u get it play 24/7.

    y dont u like ps3 btw, mgs4 is better than halo 3, i have both so i should kno
  • You should say if she buys you one, you will do more work around the house.
  • how about you sell the ps3? idk y you would anyway, but its pretty obvious your 13
  • How about hocking the PS3?
  • you are spoiled just deal with it and anyways why would you want a 360 PS3 is wayy better save more money and better games
  • Get a job and buy one yourself!
  • dont be spoiled MOST people your age have not even one pair of pants to wear or food to eat !! suck it up princess!
  • Do jobs around the house
  • mod your ps3 to play 360 games takes a while but its worth it
  • umm how bout you make some of your own money and buy it yourself?!?
  • leave little sticky notes around the house like in the tea bag area on her book etc asking her should work
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