Thursday, July 24, 2008

PSP setup internet help!?

May be...
  • Okay well i have a computer in my room. and i want to use the internet in my PSP. but when i scan it, usually it's a differnt connection from my computer. How can i get the connection from my computer to my PSP. I have internet but it wont show when i scan it on my PSP. Any help/tips for me to get it on my PSP? i know i have internet but it wont show when i scan it.
  • Ok, first of all you have to have a wireless router. In my house we have 1 computer and two laptops. The wireless router gives a wireless connection to our laptops, Xbox 360, and PSP. Make sure you have one. If you don't you need to buy one, and have a company install it. After that you need to pay a monthly bill. We pay about $50 a month.(verizon) Then you should scan it, and find a connection. Go through all the settings. A quick tip, put no WAP settings. I hope this helps you, and helps me.....10!
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