Thursday, July 31, 2008

You can sign up for HOME Beta...RIGTH NOW!?

May be...
  • You just need to set up a Japanese account:
  • That makes me wish I hadn't deleted my japanese account... Now I'm going to have to go through the hassle of trying to recreate it if I want to preview Home...
  • Thanks for the tip, hopefully the mods won't notice you posted a non-question

    Is it possible that is just going to be a Japanese beta, though... it wouldn't be much fun if everyone is speaking Japanese
  • Why can't it be a worldwide thing XD. o well I guess I'll have to wait. I can't wait to show people all my awesome videos... lmao
  • No I won't!... cos I prefer the WORK Alpha.... LETF NOW!?
  • I heard about this but I'd imagine they wouldn't allow EU or American IP's to be accepted. It's definitely worth a try but don't get your hopes up! :D
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