Monday, August 4, 2008

Im thinking about getting a ps3 but I already have a 360 should I wait for a ps3 price to drop

May be...
  • which ps3 do I need? I prefer to wait till the price to drop and I never had any problem with the 360 so I dont want to hear any xbox haters, and what games should I get for the ps3 that I can't get for the 360?
  • The price of the new 80GB ps3 will drop to $399 but it will not be able to play ps2 games.

    You can get Resistance 2,Little Big Planet,Killzone 2,Socom Confrontation(it's coming with a blue tooth),Metal Gear Solid 4,Motorstorm, Motorstorm 2.

    There is a lot to choose from.
  • wait untill the september the ps3 80gb will be only 400 bucks yeah its a good deal and it will come with a dualshock controller and the best thing is in october socom confrontation comes out i know that will be good also little big planet alot of hype for that resistance 2
  • Wait for the PS3 to be raised in the memory department this september. Larger memory, same price :0
  • Sell the Xhotbox and put the money toward a 60 gig PS3. You can get one secondhand off Ebay, or in the MGS4 pack.
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