Sunday, August 3, 2008

Left 4 Dead coming to Ps3!!!

May be...
  • here is a link that says it. I can't believe that it actually coming to the Ps3 another exclusive down for the xbox 360!!
  • Yeah, I heard about the news earlier today on N4G too.

    EA didn't do a good job of porting The Orange Box to the PS3 and I just hope that they do a better job of porting Left 4 Dead.

    But, since The Orange Box, EA has made some very good running games on the PS3 and they've probably gotten more used to the PS3's hardware by now, so I think that they might be able to port the game without causing the PS3 version to turn out bad.
  • Good for them.

    360 loses one exclusive, Playstation has lost at least 5 in the last few years..

    (Final Fantasy 13, Ace Combat, Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero, Unreal Tourney 3) All of those quite a bit BIGGER than Left 4 Dead.

    And seeing how Valve/EA handled the PS3 port of The Orange Box, this isn't going to end well.
  • Big deal. I still think losing FFXIII is a bigger crush for Sony than it is a bigger crush for MS to lose Left 4 Dead.

    Also, is it going to be released at the same time, or will it come out months after the 360s release.
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