Sunday, August 31, 2008

PS3 or 360 ?

May be...
  • I am leaning a bit towards the PS3, due to its free online service, min. overheating problems, but I would like some opinions, just to back it up.
  • I had to make the same decision a few months ago and I got a PS3. The 360 has MORE games now, but the PS3 has a very strong line-up of games for 2008-2009 and, in my opinion, has BETTER games than the Xbox 360.

    The 360 system is cheaper than the PS3, but the cost of accessories adds up really quick: $100 wireless network adapter, $20 rechargeable controller battery packs, 120GB hard drives for $180, $50 per year for x-box live. Wireless headsets for the 360 are $60.

    Xbox 360:

    Console- $350

    Wireless adapter- $100

    Rechargeable Battery Pack- $20

    1 Year of Xbox Live- $50

    120 GB Hard Drive- $180

    Wireless Headset- $60

    Grand Total- $760


    Console- $400

    Built in Wi Fi- Free

    Rechargeable Battery- Built in to controller

    Online- Free

    Bluetooth Headset- You can find good ones for $20

    Hard Drive- You could find a 160 GB hard drive for $100, more storage space than the only one you can use for the Xbox 360 and cheaper.

    Grand Total- $520 or $420 if you don't buy the bigger hard drive

    By the time you buy all the necessary accessories, the 360 is going to be much more expensive than the PS3.

    Even if you're not in to HD movies, Blu Ray discs allow a lot more data to be stored on them. (Xbox 360 discs have 9GB of memory on them; Bluray has 50GB)

    Can you imagine how big GTA4 would be if it used all 50GB instead of being stuffed onto a 9GB disc? The Xbox 360 is dragging the PS3 down and not allowing it to be used to it's full potential because of these multi-platforms

    Finally, Sony has said that the PS3 will have a 10 year life span. This means that the PS3 still has over 8 more great years in it. Microsoft has never specifically given a lifespan for the 360 but it will probably be 5-6 years ; in just 2 - 3 years, Microsoft will stop making the 360 and jam a new expensive console down people's throats.

    To sum it up, I'd highly recommend you get a PS3, but it's really your personal choice
  • The notion that xbox has many more games than ps3 is a myth left over from early 2007. Xbox fans would have you believe there are several times as many xbox games, which is nonsense. More like 30 or 40 percent more, and the difference means nothing since quality of games is what is important, besides which you will never be rich enough to own more than a tiny fraction of the games available for either console.

    The ps3 is roughly twice as powerful a computer as the xbox360 is. It runs on the revolutionary Cell Broadband Engine which consists of a 3.2ghz core processor and seven 3.2 ghz co-processors. It is the driving force of the first supercomputer ever to break the 1 petaflops barrier.

    Besides being a mighty flops factory, the Cell is able to assist the ps3's RSX graphics accelerator. The RSX on its own is better than the xbox's ATI gpu. The Xbox gpu is dependent on Direct X 9, doomed to fall behind the pc games it ports which use Direct X 10. The RSX, made by Nvidia, has its own graphics library and doesn't depend on Direct X at all.

    In addition to the graphical advantages the ps3 has extremely fast system RAM, 256 mb of XDDRAM clocked at 3.2 ghz. This is ideal for running 3d game engines.

    Here are some other advantages of the ps3:

    1) install a non-native OS, namely linux, and use the ps3 as a PC.

    2) motion-sensing controller.

    3) low malfunction rate.

    4) online is free, and very good, too.

    5) built-in web browser

    6) still the cheapest and best blu-ray player there is!

    7) upconverts a mean dvd

    8) tv tuner add-on will add DVR capability

    The "more games" thing is a relic of the launch months. The ratio of xbox games to ps3 games is at most 1.5 to 1, and is irrelevant at any rate because it's the good games that count, and there are far too many for anyone to buy
  • i don't own either, so my opinion isn't from a "fan boy" perspective. I have two friends, one has a 360, and the other a ps3. Personally i'd take the ps3 every time. if you look up the specs of each, the ps3 dominates the 360 on nearly every front, processor, memory, graphics, etc.. the components of the ps3 also seem to be better made. it seems like the 360s controllers are always malfunctioning..

    another major thing you want to consider is the ps3s release of MAG. It will be the largest online war game community ever created. up to 256 players online on the same map fighting at the same time. definitely research it a bit before you make a decision. the 360 cannot support this level of gaming. hope this helped!
  • Well youve hit on some good points.

    The Blu-ray is a major bonus, apart form HD movies the cpacity avalable on a Blu-ray is huge, MGS4 cant actualyl be ported to 360 mainly cos DVD is jsut too small, also same wiht Final Fantasy XIII, though 360 may havem anged to aqcuire theis gmae too its well known it iwll need to be multi discs, expect this in th futres as devs take advanteage of space on Blu-RAy.

    "No-one palys it" is codswalopp, theres only a few million less Ps3's in the world comapred toe 360, and the gap is quickly rising ,as Ps3 is still hot hardware and cutting edge, 360 is using DVD palyer, had HD-DVd ( which is now obsolete) and only has 3 cores, so is less liekly to be a decent paltform for much longer.

    Ps3 is getting a great line up of gmaes now that devs have got ther teeth into how to use the Cell - Uncharted, MGS4, Motorstorm, Resistance, Final Fantasy Versus, LittleBigPlanet, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain ( stunning graphics)etc.

    and most 360 exclusives end up on so jsut have to wait a while but if you have a PCand PS3 you get best of both the Ps3 Pc and 360. - Bioshock, Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Fable etc.

    And the majority of great gmaes are corss paltform - Force Unleashed, Merchaneries, Far Cry 2 , Call of Duty, Assaisn Creed, GTA.

    You will not regret this purchase. Its The All singing all dancing one man bandof the 7th gen consoels, you pay a bit extra for it, but you get alot more for that extra cash.
  • In response to an earlier reply, its hard to compare the specs of the two systems, because they work differently. The PS3 processor is a completely different architecture than the one used with the 360. The 360 has more onbboard RAM actually.The 360 also has the better graphics processor What gives the PS3 the edge in graphics production is the 8 core processor that works in a linear fashion. I could go into detail, but you've probably already fallen asleep. This still doesnt mean much because youre comparing apples to oranges.

    Gamers should play games......not build a gaming console. These are the few reasons i bought the PS3.

    - I previously owned the PS2. I liked the controller shape and button scheme

    - integrated 802.11b/g connectivity(360 addon: $50)

    - Bluetooth connectivity for controllers and headsets(360 headset: $20)

    - Hard drive capacity(360 upgrade: $100)

    - Alternative OS install is encouraged

    - Bluray player profile v2.0 thats upgradeable via firmware

    - Media playback has been excellent, but i'd expect this to be the same for both consoles

    Granted, 360 has games like halo that have their cult following, but if you wanna buy a console based on game availability than the list above doesnt matter much. Just remember that games get old. New games are released. Its not smart to buy a console *now* based on game availability *now*
  • xbox360 has more games because its been out longer, ps3 having blueray is a definate plus because they won over hd discs. so youre almost paying for a blueray player also.. and because of the blueray technology, hopefully in the near future they will take advantage of it and theyll be able to fit a lot more content into games. i personally own a ps3 and am pretty happy with it. with a little more time, the ps3 will have more games. as a matter of fact, the next couple months, a bunch of sweet titles are being released.

    also any 360 exclusives, that would be the reason for getting the 360 over the ps3, usually come out on pc

    and just for information sake, i was watching a sony conference, where almost every game developer said flat out, that the ps3 was better than any of the competitors

    plus is shiney black.. which is pretty sweet

    you definately get your moneys worth
  • im not one of those people who will just say the console they have that's not me im not like that if i have a console and i think a different console is better i would say yeah i have the 2nd best console!

    i do not own an xbox 360 but i have played them the graphics are the same as the ps3 but 7 of my friends who own xbox 360 only 2 out of the 7 have had not had problems but the other 5 had had to send their xbox and get it repaired!

    people say xbox has more games it has that true but most of those games are really poor but the ps3 still has loads of games and their exclusives are brilliant the ps3 also has more features with free online play but the xbox 360 you have to pay and get an adapter thing for online play and when the contract runs out you have got to pay another £40 or $80 depending where your from

    the best thing to do is look at all the games that ps3 and xbox owns and what games you like better on one console get that consoel it all depends on what games you like.

    personally i would say defently get a ps3 you are leaning in the right direction

  • it has also got Blu-Ray laser disc technology, its going to get Play TV where you can pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV!!!!!!, faster downloads than 360, the quietest consol that i have ever known or seen, and it is going to get HOME (check out the link below to see what home really is+ is FREE!!!, i have lots ore things to say but sorry i have to go now
  • oh cmon now

    360 obviously.

    and this is coming from someone who always had a ps2, never an xbox.

    but its just so much better. the online play, the titles it the fact that even though ps3 online play is free...almost no one owns a ps3. everyone owns a 360. it's hard to play online on ps3 with your friends when they dont have a ps3
  • 360 all the way its got so many better games then the PS3. I have both and i only use my PS3 for bluray. 360 has a better variety of games.
  • I have both a ps3 and an x360 and I would personally recommend an x360 there are a lot more games for it its awesome
  • PS3
  • I got the ps3, and its the best thing I ever bought!!!
  • ps3 because it has bluray
  • X360 please believe me it's the best.because x360 have hundreds games
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