Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stuck on bike bit on MGS4 act three?

May be...
  • Im really stuck on the bike bit of act 3 on metal gear solid 4. im trying to do the game on big boss hard without any kills or alerts and i just keep dying before i can knock the enemies out with tranq gun. i need advise or help maybe theres an easy way of doing it. please help!!!!!!
  • Try not to use the tranq gun, a good alternative is one of the shotguns but with v-ring ammo. Another idea is to just use nothing but smoke grenades. I went through Boss Extreme, earned the Big Boss emblem and went through that bit using mostly grenades to disrupt the Frogs, with a bit of practice you can get through with taking a bit of damage,

    The v-ring ammo should be used to shoot at gunners on hummers and the Frogs on top of the truck. Try not to throw grenades to far because since you're travelling fast, you can easily overshoot the mark.

    Since you're supposed to save at every checkpoint, if you ever start an area with low health, save the game then exit. Set your clock forward a month and try again. Snake will have full health. This is the only real way to do it if you're low on health and aren't using recovery items.
  • This is hard. It took me about 15 attempts to get it done. But it is doable.

    First off, when you start unequip all weapons and fill up your five slots with: Mk2 tranq gun, twin barrel (loaded with V.Ring), solar gun (if you've got it), P90 (for the sliders) and (assuming you've already completed the game) either blue or green smoke grenades.

    From there, equip the smoke grenades and spam the hell out of the grenade button. Throw them everywhere, trying to get as many enemies as possible. Pick off any stragglers with the Mk2.

    When you reach the section between the two roadblocks, throw more smoke grenades and when you and EVA go to jump one, equip the shotgun and shoot one of the gunners. Then get the other with the Mk2 before they start shooting.

    More grenade spamming to clear the last of them, then just survive the short trip through the frogs to the next section using grenades, solar gun and Mk2.

    After the next bit starts, make sure you save since you've hit a checkpoint. Equip your P90 and destroy the sliders and get Raven a few times with either the P90 or the Mk2 depending on your preference (don't worry, you can take down the beast form lethally as long as you don't kill the beauty form). Be careful of random gunners on armoured cars as they will sap your health, use the Mk2 or the shotgun to get rid of them before they get you.

    The next section is rather difficult and takes either precision aiming with the Mk.2 or lots of grenade spamming. I opt for the section option. It's more fun. :)

    When you get to the end, make sure you save. You really don't want to do it all again if you die at Raven's boss fight.
  • Use the gun that was just given to you, and use Autolockon. I died first time through, then used the Autolockon feature and went through it without even using a ration.

    Edit - perhaps I should read the question, missed the bit that you said you were trying not to kill anyone - my way kills them all!!
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