Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What codes do you need from your wireless router to connect to your ps3?

May be...
  • is a wep key and a WPA key the same thing???
  • Both WEP and WPA are encryption keys that enable you to secure your home network from hackers. WPA is a much more secure and harder to bypass. However they both do the same job. To access the internet and PSN services you will need to specifiy one of them (whichever you have). If you dont have one then i recommend it because it stops other using your bandwidth therefore making online gaming less laggy.

  • Yes WEP & WPA are the same thing, but WPA is more secure and newer than WEP, its your password to access your wireless router, it stops unwanted people from using your wireless connection, it doesnt matter which one you have, PS3 supports both.

    If you set the router up you should know it.

    Hope i helped!
  • Yes they are both of them are security codes for your internet. You shouldn't need a key unless you have a code already setup for your router. Get with who ever set it up and they should have the code there is no way of getting around the code unless you do a full reset of the router.
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