Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What video games do you recommend to play at parties?

May be...
  • For any gaming console and other games that may be played with your TV, etc.

    Let me know... thanks

    I already have Rock Band
  • Rock band is good but the most fun party games would have to be Singstar and Buzz

    if you are into japanese games tekken 5 DR might be good to
  • Xbox 360- Halo, CoD 4, Lost Planet

    Wii- Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, Mario and Sonic at the Olymic games.

    PS2 or 3- Guitar Hero, Racing, Sports.

    And Rock band for any system.
  • Super Smash

    Dance Dance Revolution

    Mario Cart/ Crash Bandicoot Nitro Cart

    Mario Party

    Marvel vs. Capcom

    Madden (shorten the quaters, or play to half time)
  • What about that dancing game?? I don't know much about games...but that would be fun...plus...I don't know how old you are to give a good suggestion anyway.
  • Rock Band and video game r cool in all

    Iik bebe guns, water ballons and crap would be better dont you think.
  • Grand Theft Auto 4


    Guitar Hero 3.

    Your Choice.
  • The Wii Sports game is a pretty fun party game.
  • heres a list:

    call of duty can be fun


    guitar hero 3

    there a few hope it helps :P
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