Monday, September 1, 2008

Is a PS3 more reliable than the Xbox360?

May be...
  • I currently own my second 360. And its broken. Again. Disk tray stops working, scratches disks, can't read disks, etc. I'm thinking about fixing it again, or should I just pick up a ps3? don't talk about which is better or what not please, but just answer. Someone who owns both, or at least owns a ps3, which one is more reliable? which one breaks less?
  • Yes it is way more reliable,

    -PS3 % of Braking is Less Then Half a %.

    -Xbox 360 (The new ones with HDMI) is 10%.

    -Old Xbox 360s(The ones at launch) were 33%.

    And PS3 only has 2 rare(Very rare Problems)

    Yellow Light and The Unreadable Disc.

    And it also tells you when it is over heating.
  • I currently own both and I prefer PS3. It is much more reliable. I have the 60gb version that I picked up January 2nd 2007 and it still runs like a champ. I owned a 360 premium and it died on my 4 times. I have an Elite now though that I picked up in September and havn't had a problem with it but I also haven't even turned it on since May. I would just save yourself the trouble and pick up a PS3. Now remember though just because they are more reliable doens't mean it can't break so don't get upset if you happen to be that unlucky. PS3 is going to be the future from here on out anyway until the next generation comes out.
  • Can't say about personal experience with an X-Box 360 because I don’t own one but my PS3 has been on 24/7 ever since Folding@Home came out. The only time I shut it off was a few hours when I was either installing a network cable in the walls or having my cable worked on; well it was off for about a week when an ice storm cut the power to the house as well but that really wasn’t my choice. I do have it in a little cubbyhole that I installed some fans in that will keep the air circulated so it is well ventilated. So I would have to say that my experiences with the PS3 have been good and I have hit it pretty hard with some major usage.
  • Ditch the 360 and get a ps3. Yes, it has more reliability and if you want more motivation.

    This year Home is coming out, Killzone 2 is coming out, resistence 2 is coming out and so many other exclusives. oh i forgot to mention. Also, Bioshock is coming out with heavy support for home and much much more DLC then 360.

  • Yea, PS3 never breaks. The only time a PS3 breaks if you're unlucky enough to get one that wasn't built right. But there's an almost 0% chance you end up with one of those. PS3's can take a lot of abuse. Mine is in a very closed space in the hottest room of my house, and even when I play for over 3 hours on a very hot day (I did that with MGS4), it works perfectly
  • like the people of above me yes they r way more reliable i've owned my ps3 for a year and i had one problem with it, a game froze one time that was it ha ha not really a problem actually, yea i love my ps3 its awsome with my samsung hdtv, really recommend u get one
  • yeah the PS3 is a lot more reliable than the xbox the xbox console version that has sold the most has %33 failing rate and the ps3 has only %o.3 failing rate so obviously the ps3 is more reliable
  • PS3 has a 0.2% of faling while 360 has a 33% of failing and breaking down. most 360s do this and it still happening to most people. Thats one of the reasons I bought a PS3 and for its awesome games.
  • Yes. You will rarely have anything wrong with your PS3 and I bought a used 80GB PS3 off of eBay and I have had it for months and nothing has been wrong with it.
  • Yes. It is more reliable.
  • man if you having that much problems out of your xbox 360 stop fixing it in get your self a ps3 at gamestop for $399.99 :)ava06
  • PS3 and Wii are a lot more reliable then the 360.

    And they run quieter too!
  • get the ps3 but wait till the new 80gb comes out at 400$ later this year
  • The ps3 breaks less and doesn't have a lot of problems.

    I own a 40gb ps3
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
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