Monday, September 29, 2008

Playstation 2 slimeline console?

May be...
  • I just bough a slimeline thinking it was better than the thick one. I keep hearing that the slimeline overheats. Is there a way i can prevent this? should i place a fan close to the console, would this help?
  • it's called a slim line, not slime line. and everyone who says that the slim overheats faster than the original fat PS2 had theirs overheat due to suffocation. ANY console will overheat if you don't allow air to circulate around it. I own a slim and it's just fine. I have plenty of space around it and it does not overheat. that's how you can avoid overheating your slim PS2.
  • No,the PS2 Slim is highly durable.

    I've left mine on for 9 hours straight and nothing happened to it.

    The fat one has fans in it,but it really makes no difference in buying the Slim or fat one.
  • Technology Entrepreneurs
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