Wednesday, September 17, 2008

PS3 Connection Issues Using HDMI...?

May be...
  • My boyfriend's PS3 will not connect to his TV using the HDMI cables. We have no idea why it won't now because it has many times before. We put the video cable in and the PS3 turned on and said that it had detected the HDMI cable and asked if we wanted to connect using it, and we said yes. After the the screen went blank and we switched over to the HDMI setting, but the screen was still blank. What's going on and how can we fix it?

    On another note, we were watching a movie in Blu-ray earlier on my parent's TV and the movie was cutting out so we quit watching it and brought it upstairs to see if it did the same thing on his tv, but it won't even connect so we can't tell. :( Please help, my boyfriend is so upset and angry about this and I want to do anything I can to help! Any help at all will be greatly appreciated!
  • From the sounds of it, it's either the PS3 or the HDMI cable. I'm assuming both televisions were HDTVs and HDMI was used for both of them.

    Any HDMI cable should work so I would suggest to buy a cheap one and try that out. Or, buy an HDMI from Future Shop, for example, and if the HDMI cable doesn't help then you just return it. Thus, you won't have to worry about money. In any case, this experiment will tell you if it's the HDMI or the PS3 which is at fault.

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