Monday, October 27, 2008

Are gaming chairs compatible with PlayStation 2?

May be...
  • are gaming chairs compatible with playstation 2 thanks
  • Yea if u have the av to 3.5mm stereo jack adapter, mine came with one so i normally play my psp on it cause my psp normally isnt so loud enough, and I play ps3 on it cause it dosent disturbe people at night for example, when u sit on the chair the sound level u hear while ur on it will be loud to u but when u stand up a walk 2 steps away its not so loud at sounds more like headphones at a distance so it dosent bother people(not at full volume tho). I use X rocker II gaming dosent rumble like the pyramat gaming chair(im planing to buy in christmas) but its comfy than my stupid computer chair. btw u connect the red and white cable from ps2 to the adapter then to the chair.
  • chairs? it's just speakers with rumble anyway.. it should be 100% compatible.
  • yes they are. i have one
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