Sunday, October 5, 2008

How many people own a ps3 on this planet?

May be...
  • there is alot if you go and run folding at home you will see how many ps3's there are in the world running at that time with folding there is alot just go take a look and see
  • ps3 has sold 14.41 million (as of June 30, 2008)

    xbox 360 has sold Worldwide: 20 million (as of July 17, 2008)

    nintendo wii has sold Worldwide: 29.62 million (as of June 30, 2008)

    Hope i helped =]
  • 15.63 Million.
  • Well worldwide, 15.58 million PS3's were sold as of now
  • I do and 15.63 other people
  • more than a million
  • lots. I'm gonna be one of them eventually
  • About 7500 sell in the US and 6000 in Japan every week.
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