Thursday, October 2, 2008

I just got my ps3 i was wondering if its ok to here the fans going?

May be...
  • and is it soppuse to get warm after awhile of playing
  • the PS3 has 3 fan speeds and depending on how hard its wokring (producing a crap load of graphics the fans will speed up so it stays cooler but if youre just listening to music on it the fan speed is pretty low. but yes it will get warm
  • Yes the fans keep it cool for no over heating, so far sony is the only one to get a system right two times in a row. 360 sucks with over heating problems hence the three rings of death, that still goes on til today it didn't really get all that fixed.
  • yes its completely normal. the fans are there to keep the system from overheating. and yes its perfectly normal for it to get warm. but if it gets really really really HOT. then turn it off. and let it cool.
  • when i first got mine i thought the same thing. You just reminded me of it actually. I don't know if i got used to it or it started running quieter but either way it works great.
  • the fans will always run, but no too loud. if you feel something is wrong take it back to the store. but make sure there is plenty of spacw fot air to get sucked into the fans
  • Yes.

    It's not too loud, is it? I'm sure it's okay.
  • its all normal
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