Sunday, October 12, 2008

I like Halo 3, but I own a PS3?

May be...
  • now don't get me wrong, i love my PS3 and i'm still glad i have it instead of the 360, but i just can't get past how much fun Halo 3 is. does anyone have any good Halo 3 type games, but are out on the PS3?

    I have Battlefield: Bad Company and it's really fun, but it's not that future halo type feel. Unreal Tournament is okay, but it lacks the depth that Halo has. Haze is sort of lame. should I wait for Resistance 2? or is there another game out there that i'm completely missing?
  • Resistance 2. It has awesome multiplayer. And wait for MAG, a 256-multiplayer game.
  • Do you have Resistance: Fall Of Man if you don't try that , or you can get Metal Gear Solid IV I know it's nothing like Halo but hey what gets better than realistic graphics.Also look out for Killzone 2 that should satisfy you completely and if that doesn't work than get yourself MAG (Massive Action Game) I mean 256 player what more could you want!!
  • ya you should wait for R2. unless you haven't played R1, then you should buy that, and it's only $30 because it is a greatest hit.

    but you know, you can buy halo 1 and 2 for pc/mac if you really want to play halo. and halo 3 will becoming to pc/mac later as well.
  • halo 3 sucks i also have a ps3 and xbox and i play the xbox 10 times more then the ps3...but a game you will like is call of duty 4 or in a month when it comes out call of duty world at war much better then battle field
  • i dont know why ppl like ps3 better than xbox360s. In my opinion xbox is way fun. I own a xbox360 myself and halo3 hah and your right, its addicting. Rainbow 6 vegas, is also fun and can get for ps3.
  • Yeah you should wait for Resistance 2.

    Honestly, Halo 3 sucks. I own Xbox 360 and I have Halo 3 and I got bored of it after a while.

  • Yeah, you should wait for Resistance 2 and/or Killzone 2. I am going to get Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and Killzone 2.

    trust me
  • just buy an xbox........dont tell me there crap

    i own both a 360 and a ps3 i play on my 360 more than ps3 honestly
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