Saturday, October 4, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 help?!!!plz answer?

May be...
  • I haven't had much time to play Metal Gear Solid 4 since I got the ps3.I'm in act 3 and I can't get pass the part where you have to follow the Resistance member. Any tips on where to go or how to follow him without seeing you. How long does it take for you to finish that part and did you find it hard. Are there any people that know tricks.

    I'm so desperate. What do I have to do? If you remember where to go then tell me. Do I have to follow the Resistance member or can I just go to a location without following him. I've gotten to a helicopter and shot it down with a bazooka or something.
  • You HAVE to follow him, you can't just go to the location he's going to before him; I've tried, it doesn't work

    I don't really know how to explain this, but it's really easy to beat this part, just follow him without getting seen, if he sees you, run away, hide somewhere, and wait for him to start walking again. Always stay behind him, don't try to run in front of him or anything

    Also, your default costume for this Act is the European Civilian outfit, but you can always switch back to Octocamo, and stay out of the spotlights ( you'll been seen no matter how high your camo index is).


    Fullbody camo all the way, the European Civilian outfit doesn't do much for hiding you, and PMCs will still attack you no matter what

    You can switch whenever you want, go to camouflage, go to costumes, then switch to Octocamo (Auto).

    Also, I have to add, the Mk 22 Pistol is REALLY helpful for this section, it's very quiet ( with no need to buy extra silencers) and takes out guards pretty quickly.
  • you can switch to octocamo for maximum efficiency. As for the resistance member you need to follow him even if this is your second playthrough, you still need to follow him regardless how well you know the route.

    This is the most boring part in all the act, it can be quite frustrating at times as you need more patience to follow him.


    Get out the guards before he head there

    Go to the option menu to tune the brightness higher as it's very dim

    listen to his whistle carefully

    Switch to octacon mask
  • I was really confused with that part too. Anytime I would lose him I had to start over, but once you get to the part when he changes his suit, if he dies or you lose him, it would start from that point.

    I can't really remember how I got through that part. It was rough for me. I used trail and error.
  • What really helps is the cardboard box and never try to get too close too him. Whenever he stops or turns around just stay to the side of the street in the box if not in the box hide behind a car
  • you dont have to stay in that costume, i sugggest changing

    just stay behind cars and other objects

    i just beat through for the fourth time today
  • just follow him no matter wat
  • If you have any other sort of Face Camo (Beauties, Drebin, Otacon, or Raiden should work), then wear one of those and the European disguise. People will think you are a regular person and won't attack you. Remember, holding a weapon will still make them think you are an enemy. Also, the Young Snake face camo won't work, because it is on the PMC's blacklist and the Resistance has seen the face before.

    If you don't have any other Face Camoes, then it looks like you are gonna have to use the full body octocamo and just tail him while being careful. The Mk. 2 Pistol is always quiet, so use that to take out any guards.
  • actually i'm on that same part on boss extreme right now. 3rd time through. this is the one part that makes me so frustrated. it takes time and a whole lot of patientice. try playing some music in the background to take your mind off this some how impossible task. you need to follow him, not just go to the location, i've tried. but the city and the path to get to the location is broken down into sections, so you can save and pick up where you left off earlier. i recommend the cammo. and just follow him at a distince, it helps with the solid eye. and any enemies that get into his way, just take them out with the mossin nogant. it basically takes patience. it's not that hard, it's just takes time because if he finds you, you have to start all over. i would advise not taking down the helicopter. try not to draw attention towards your self. TIP: only use special weapons that put your eneimies to sleep, or the stun knife. it draws less attention.
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