Saturday, October 4, 2008

PS2 into a black and white TV?

May be...
  • i got a old tv from a yard sale and i was wondering if i could play ps2 on it.

    i have and Mad Catz Auto RF adapter. its a TMK portable model number 706... idk. is there anyway that i can play ps2 on it?
  • If its the tv im thinking then its not very big and i think does not have a coax in and probably has an antenna built into it. If it does have the coaxial in you should be able to play the ps2 using that rf adapter. If not your only alternative would be to hook up a tv matching transformer to the two screws by the antenna(If it has those which i don't believe those tv's had, correct me if im wrong).heres a link to the type of transformer i'm talking about.
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