Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ps3 hdmi problem.... 10pts ?

May be...
  • Ok i bought an 70 dollar HDMI calble at best buy during the summer the graphics look great and i love it.

    the problem is that when i play a movie it looks pinkish, the resolution every thing looks pink you can see he movie or show but it looks pink..

    why is this?

    is it the Tv? or Hdmi? the hdmi works great but not in movies..

    Or do i have to change the settings?

    if so what do i change im afraid of messing up the settings..
  • its the Hdmi ake it back to best buy and they will explain... the same thing hapened to me

    Take it back.

    When you do get the one made specifically made for the PS3.

    7 hours ago


    I got my HDMI for about $40

    I'm not sure what's causing the problem, but I can say an expensive HDMI is no bette than a cheaper one. I've got 3 LCD TVs, and I've used cheap and expensive cables. There's no difference.

    I think you should turn the system completely off and remove the hdmi cable and put it back in and if that doesn't work i don't know what to tell you

    Oh yeah and reset it or something

    and if that doesn't work buy another one for half the price at.....

    5 hours ago

    Source(s): is a place i would get another hdmi cable
  • I think you should turn the system completely off and remove the hdmi cable and put it back in and if that doesn't work i don't know what to tell you

    Oh yeah and reset it or something

    and if that doesn't work buy another one for half the price at.....
  • I'm not sure what's causing the problem, but I can say an expensive HDMI is no bette than a cheaper one. I've got 3 LCD TVs, and I've used cheap and expensive cables. There's no difference.
  • Take it back.

    When you do get the one made specifically made for the PS3.
  • its the Hdmi ake it back to best buy and they will explain... the same thing hapened to me
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