Saturday, October 25, 2008

When can I go to a Store to pick up LittleBig Planet PS3?

May be...
  • Can I go to a Best Buy or Walmart on Monday to get LittleBig Planet?

    and i DIDNT preorder it.
  • Oct. 27th is when it releases. I dont know if Walmart will have because at my Walmart they dont even have anything. Everything is sold out. I suggest you go to a gamestop near you if you have or eb games because they have the games on release date. There might be a line though.

    If you dont have a gamestop near you I guess you can try Best Buy FIRST then if Best Buy doesnt have it go to Wal Mart.
  • The game "Little BigPlanet" releases on the 28th not the 27th Report Abuse
  • yeah you can go but it isn't guranteed to have a copy there on a rack
  • i think gamestop is selling them right now... i would call the nearest gamestop if i were you...
  • October 28 is the release date
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