Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Which one should I get? Dead space or Far Cry 2? see details inside?

May be...
  • I like both of them. but i like First Person shooter games more. Which one should I get? Which is more interesting? which has better storyline? Which is easier on easiest difficulty?
  • Dead Space has a great, thrilling storyline(Also it's almost Halloween ;)

    Far Cry's story line isn't that great...

    Dead Space is way more interesting. The game has better ratings, makes more sense, just a way better game.

    The game has a difficulty setting so you can pick easy.
  • Far Cry 2 is your game. You have 50 square kilometeres to to whatever the hell you want to. It is very interesting. And I saw the commercial for dead space, it looks cool, but a little unrealistic...
  • well then Far Cry 2 is the right one but dead space is more interesting and the storylines are both good but Far Cry 2 wins and i am not sure about difficulties but ead space is easy on easy
  • I would say dead space because if your looking for a thrill then dead space is the game for it.
  • Dead space
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