Friday, October 24, 2008

You know you've been playing too much video games when.....?

May be...
  • Answer these questions. Funniest answers will get BA:

    You know you've been playing too much RPGs when...

    Too much shooters when....

  • You've been playing too many RPGs when you start to wonder whether KFC or Taco Bell gives you more HP.

    You've been playing too many shooters when you walk into UPS and wonder how many of those cardboard boxes have PMCs waiting to shoot you after you walk by.
  • -When you know all the names of the guns that you can have in call of duty 4

    -When after playing guitar hero your hands cramp up and the table next to you looks like it's floating up and down (it's happened to me =)

    -When your in the car with your mom driving and see a old abandoned house and expect enemy snipers to bust through the shutters and tear up your SUV

    -When you "check those corners" when your in your house alone

    lol that's all I could think of
  • You know youre playing too much rpgs when you rate your food on how much HP it gives you. then when you get hurt you say "I just lost 25 hp!"

    Youve played toom much shooters when you hear someone coming down the steps, you take your chair throw it up at the lightbulb, put oyur night vision on and start spraying bullets
  • You know you've been playing too many RPGs when you realize that you haven't left your chair in 12 hours and order pizza every night because you don't have enough time to make food.

    You know you've been playing too many shooters when you hide and peek around all corners and walk with your hand pointed like a gun, scanning all corners with your eyes
  • when your console starts melting

    die of dehydration

    also when ur mom comes downstairs to tell you to stop playing (and shes on a wheel chair)

    you've played to many Shooters when you start calling all your bullies Nazis

    you played to many RPG games when you try to kill people for coins/ gems/ points/ or money

    I know some of these are not funny but it can happen to so people
  • You know you've been playing too much RPGs when your arms flick from time to time on your sleep while dreaming about it...

    You know you've been playing Too much shooters when you become paranoid and crouch whenever you are near any windows thinking that there is a sniper watching you from outside. :)

  • 1. Don't ask me! I don't even play RPGs!!!! (At least that's what I think because I've been hypnotized from playing too much).

    2. When you say, "How many times have I used this gun? 692?" also, when you look at the time of total play and say, "Wow, 18... thousand hours!? I though I had played more!"
  • when your a girl and you start talking like masterchief from arby and the chief.

    you do NOT realize how often i say: no u, lol, rofl, roflcopter.

    my friends are worried.

    im actually exicited that gears or war 2 is coming out.

    lol weird im not even nerdy or anything. im a normal GIRL. lol
  • you know you've been playing to many RPGs when you realize the dragon in the closet was your jacket

    you realize your playing to many shooters when you start to yell YES SIR repeatedly while you're asleep
  • you know you've been playing too much rpgs when your thumb starts twitching

    you know you've been playing too much shooters when you play with your water gun you shoot them like its Rainbow six vegas or you pee your pants cus you hate fps's
  • i know i have been playin too much when i fall down on the floor from getting so dizzy not eating all day or drinkin water
  • 1. When you start puking and your eyes start to bleed all over the place. Your wife divorces you( if you have one).


    -You have no more characters to use

    -You realize its not an RPG. Its Halo 3

    3. Every time you respawn you die.

    -You actually dont even get Resistance 2

    - You decide that shooters suck

    - you play for at least over 5 hours.

    - You keep doing the same thing over again.


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