Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are they ever going to make a star wars battlefront 3 or something like that?

May be...
  • I mean since star wars battlefront 2 for ps2, there really hasnt been any FPS star wars games out there. If they made a new one with a engine like COD4 or something where you can customize your guns and your charecters that would be really cool. What do you think?
  • Well the guy's that make Battlefront are currently doing 'Lord of The Rings Conquest', so basically Battlefront with Hobbits n Orc's.

    I would assume with the popularity of the Battlefront series they will move onto making Battlefront 3 after they've completed Conquest, they may even be working on it now.
  • Battlefront 3 WON'T be developed by Pandemic, who are making LOTR Conquest. Its a big misconception because Pandemic made Battlefront 1 and 2, and are using the Battlefront engine to make LOTR Conquest. It is being published by EA , not LucasArts. Free Radical is most likely making Battlefront III. Report Abuse
  • that'd be insanely sweet if they made a battlefront 3 for PS3, i have battlefront 2 for PS2 and its awesome enough as it is, but having wifi online capability so everyone can play, amazing graphics,customizable stuff....that would be a greatest hit. Now will it happen, its a little unlikely considering Playstation hasn't really done any star wars stuff since the Battlefront 2 on PS2. I hope it does, but you never know.
  • i would love that so much, i have battlefield 2 for ps2 i bought it right when it came out cuz i loved the first one, i hope they make a number 3 it would be crazy
  • Hopefully they will. It's rumored.
  • They better. I love that series
  • pretty sure they are in 2009...i played the first 2 and i LOVED them...they better make a 3rd
  • i dont think so;
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