Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to connect PS3 Online?

May be...
  • Well I have connected my ethernet cable online to my computer. i dont have a dsl. and when i go to my playstation online it says no netwirk found. but when i go to network settings it has everything of my computer. everything is enabled. why cant i find out. please give reasonable answers.
  • What your going to have to do is either buy you a router and connect your ps3 that way which I would highly recommend. But what it sound is like you have dial up. I know you don't have cable internet because most provide a modem and dsl does the same so if your using a dial up connection need to upgrade before your ps3 allows you to go online. sorry for not saying "yes"
  • i thought the ethernet was only used for plugging a device into the broadband modem. I think you have to have broadband for ps3. do you have dial up?

    What does your network settings say?

    So you don't have dsl? Do you get your internet through cable? How do you get your connection?
  • if you have a wireless router than you have go to the network settings on the ps3 and configure it but if you have a wired connection than you have to run an ethernet cable to your ps3 and connect it
  • You have to connect one cable from the modem to thePS3... is like the computer
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